Recovery Coaching

Recovery Coaching

Recovery coaching is a form of strength-based support for persons with substance abuse disorders. The coach empowers the client to create and maintain a plan for success using motivational interviewing, decisional balance exercises, and mindfulness techniques.

Everybody could use some support, whether it’s early recovery, returning from a relapse, or just needing some motivation to invigorate your recovery. From executives to adolescents, everyone can benefit from knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate help.

Recovery coaches assist with a solid plan for recovery success.

  • Helping maintain the gains achieved in treatment.
  • Solidify and integrate new coping skills and lifestyle behaviors.
  • Identify and address triggers and vulnerabilities to create the most supportive recovery environment.
  • Help clients maintain motivation to prevent vulnerability to relapse.

When clients encounter distress, coaches help them to identify:

  • The cause of the distress in the present moment.
  • What tools they have to deal with that distress.
  • A game plan for using those tools to address the situation.
  • Potential relapse traps and encourages alternative paths.

Who is a good candidate for Recovery Coaching?

  • Anyone who needs a solid recovery plan for success.
  • Anyone who needs additional support, accountability, and goal setting.
  • Anyone needing help to improve or maintain their motivation for recovery.
  • Someone returning to their hometown after treatment and needs support and accountability until they can build their new support system.
  • Someone seeking an alternative pathway to recovery other than the traditional 12 step model.
  • Someone returning to a risky environment.
  • Medically assisted treatment patients.
  • Anyone needing to jump-start their program.

Recovery coaches help clients set and achieve goals to help them enhance their quality of life.

  • Identifying what the clients are doing well.
  • Explore their wants, needs, and choices.
  • Help gain clarity, create a change plan for success, and move the client into action.
  • Explore their options for resources, recovery, or treatment.

What recovery coaches do not do.

Recovery coaches DO NOT diagnose any mental or physical health issue or addiction.

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